"I" is for Integrity


     Schools are closed, so we are on early summer vacation right?!  With integrity, our educators responded by turning their "normal" classroom upside down, transformed learning for students, created ingenious ways to stay connected, and took this opportunity to focus on the learning because we are in this together and it is the right thing to do!  The question is whether our state and federal leaders will do the right thing for education?

     Our state assessments have been canceled, graduation requirements have been modified, AP Exams have been adjusted, SATs/ACTs have been canceled, and final exams are canceled.  Without missing a beat, our teachers recognized the opportunity to turn to online platforms to teach anyway.  Working together, students, teachers, parents, and administrators have maintained an educational routine for children across our nation because we value learning.  We are no longer being asked to "teach to the test," so we can focus on feedback, learning, and getting through this life-test together.  Approaching life and lessons with integrity, kindness, and empathy will have a lifelong impact on our students, community, and future.

     Currently, we are facing possible decisions pertaining to the teacher evaluation system (APPR) and how we should assess our teachers' effectiveness.  In previous models, we were forced to use state assessments, but those are now canceled... so that is out as an option.  Then we have used classroom observations, but we are not in school to observe the teachers... so that is out too.  However, individuals are pushing for accountability, wanting to draw hard lines in the sand, and create systems to "check the boxes" that schools are holding children and teachers to an expectation during challenging times.  During this time we need support and patience, not hardline decisions to divide us.  Are we looking to place more stress on our teachers who have already created a whole new normal for our children with integrity?

     Recently, a friend of mine, Patty Kolodnicki (on Twitter @DrKnicki), spoke out about APPR and teacher accountability on Newsday and expresses how educators have overcome many challenges, placed the care of children at forefront, and still educate children irregardless of our normal accountability systems.  Educators moved to connect with students and families without the guidance of the state because it was the right thing to do at the moment.  We fed children and families, provided devices, internet service, resources, and emotional support; we did what ever we needed to do to help families... period.  We acted with great integrity...  And now you want to tell us that we are effective or ineffective?

     To make matters worse, our districts are now facing losses of funding to support our staffing needs and our programs.  As an administrator that wears many hats (Art, ENL, Music, World Languages, and more), I am concerned that we are going to reduce art and music programming when our children need these creative outlets most.  Our MLLs (Multi-Lingual Learners) require extra support, and funding for staff who can empathize with MLLs, but we may be forced to reexamine teacher certifications to cut corners to save money.  We know that we need global thinkers, people that can speak several languages to communicate with the world as we move into our future.  So, when will our government operate with integrity?  When will our teachers be valued for their hard work and dedication to teaching and learning?

    Should we evaluate anyone after the rules have been turned upside down?  When the rug has been pulled out from underneath us?  Would we assess a baseball coach on their bread making skills?  So why would we assess teachers and schools as we create new norms on a minute by minute basis?  I am answering questions that did not exist yesterday, and leading teachers and fellow leaders through uncharted situations that will have tremendous impact on the lives of children and families.  What is guiding me?  My integrity!  What is guiding you?  Who are you leaning on at this time?  I'd bet, you are leaning on them because they operate with integrity!

Stay safe and healthy
Prayers to all in need
Be well
Dr. Rob Wottawa


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